What is Gonstead chiropractic?
Gonstead chiropractic focuses on the body’s structural foundation and intervertebral discs, Gonstead chiropractors look at the whole person and search for the source of a patient’s pain or discomfort by examining spinal misalignments, nerve dysfunction, foundational imbalance, and motion disturbances.
Adjustments are then made to help restore natural spinal alignment and optimal movement. Gonstead chiropractors employ sophisticated, in-depth techniques to analyse and uncover spinal, pelvic, and neurological effects that impact vertebral subluxation and a patient’s overall health.
Gonstead chiropractors are very hands-on and take their practice to the next level by using a more complex spinal analysis system, Gonstead chiropractors examine the spine in the following ways:
X-Ray Analysis enables Gonstead chiropractors to visualise and evaluate the entire structure of the spine including posture, joint and disc integrity, potential fractures, and misalignments.
Visualisation and observation of body movement help to cross-reference other findings.
Instrumentation using a Nervoscope allows Gonstead chiropractors the ability to detect inflammation and nerve pressure up and down the spine.
Motion Palpation involves feeling the spine while the patient moves and bends at various angles.
Static Palpation includes checking the spine in a stationary position for any potential swelling, tenderness, abnormal texture or tightness in the muscles or other tissues.